Egídio Pedro, Prof.
Professor Egídio Pedro
Professional Certificate: N/A
Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and Italian
Areas of Differentiation:
Clinical Cardiology and Atherosclerosis (Coronary diseases - Angina pectoris, myocardial infarction -,
Valvular heart disease;
Arterial hypertension,
cardiomyopathies and heart failure).
Clinical activity:
He introduced LDL - Apheresis in Portugal in 1990 and High Resolution Carotid Echotomography, with 10 MHz probes, in 1996.
Internship at the Coronary Intensive Care Unit (UNICOR) of Hospital de Santa Cruz;
Internship in Internal Medicine at the Internal Medicine and Nephrology Service of Hospital de Santa Cruz (Director Prof. Doutor Jacinto Simões);
Internship at the Centro per lo studio Dell`Arteriosclerosi e della Mallatie Dismetaboliche-Policlinico S. Orsola-Universitá Degli Studi di Bologna - Cattedra di Gerontologia (Director Prof. Doctor Giancarlo Descovich);
Internship at Pulmonology Service 4, Hospital Pulido Valente (Director Prof. Doctor Raul Amaral Marques);
Internship in “Cardiac pacing at Hospital S. Orsola, at Instituto di Cardiologia Chirurgia del Cuore e dei grossi Vasi – Scuola di Specializzazoione in Cardio angio chirurgia dell`Universitá Degli Studi di Bologna (Director Prof. Doctor Angelo Pierangeli);
Internship in Pediatric Cardiology, at Hospital de Santa Cruz (Director Prof. Doutor Maymone Martins);
Internship in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Hospital de Santa Cruz (Director Prof. Doutor João Queiroz e Melo).
Performed several Medical Training Internships Abroad:
Centro per lo Studio dell`Arteriosclerosi e della Mallatie Dismetaboliche-Hospital S. Orsola, University of Bologna (Italy);
Nephrology Service / LDL-apheresis at St. Markus, Frankfurt (Germany);
Istituto di Patologia Speciale Medica of the University of Ferrara (Italy);
Dipartimento di Medicina e Biotecnologia Applicata “D. Campacci”- Laboratorio de Diagnostica Ultrasonogafica and at the LDL-Apheresis Center of the S. Orsola Hospital of the University of Bologna (Italy);
Institute of Systematic Medical Therapy of the University of Rome “La Sapienza” (Italy);
Biosound Carotid Echotomography Training Center, Indianapolis, United States of America;
Training Course - Direct Apheresis of Atherogenic Lipoproteins from Blood (DALI) - System in Munich (Germany);
Dipartimento di Medicina Interna, University of Palermo (Italy).
Within the scope of NATO it is qualified, with the Improvement Courses:
NATO - PfP - Joint Medical Planners;
Medical Incidents, Medical Management Support Course (MIMS Course);
NATO Combined Joint Task Force;
Radiant Support Exercise Course, 2002, (Ostende, Belgium);
Cooperative Support Exercise, 2003 (Salzburg, Austria);
Cooperative Support Exercise 2004 (Tallin, Estonia).
In 2004, he participated in the Restructuring of the NATO Medical Courses, at the NATO School (Obermmagau-Germany).
Academic education:
He graduated in Medicine from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), of the New University of Lisbon (UNL).
He completed the General Internship at the Civil Hospitals of Lisbon (Hospital de Santa Marta, Hospital de S. José, Maternidade Magalhães Coutinho, Hospital de Dª Estefânia).
Completed the Complementary Internship in Cardiology at Hospital de Santa Cruz-Cardiology Service (Director Prof. Doutor Ricardo Seabra – Gomes).
He was a Hospital Assistant in Cardiology at the Cardiology Service of the Hospital da Marinha.
Works as a Cardiologist at Instituto do Coração, Carnaxide.
Since April 2015, he has been a Medical Expert at the Instituto de Segurança Social, IP, acting as Rapporteur and Chairman of the Appeals, Reassessments and Disability Committee.
From 2012 to March 2019, he worked as a cardiologist in the Grupo
Private Health Care, initially at Grupo Saúde Sr.º Dr. Silveira, in St.
Domingos de Rana and after the acquisition of Grupo Privado de Saúde
in 2015, at Grupo Mello Saúde, at Clinica de S. Domingos de Rana, until March 2019.
He obtained a Master's degree in Chemical Pathology, from the Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM), at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL).
He exercised teaching functions in the Department of Biochemistry of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, (Contracted Monitor, Invited Assistant and Assistant with a Master's Degree and equivalent to Assistant Professor, after a PhD).
He holds a Master's and Doctorate in Medicine: Atherosclerosis, from the University of Siena (Italy).
Qualified as a Public Management Course - INA (Oeiras-2007).
He served as Guest Professor at ISLA CAMPUS Lisbon – Laureate Universities Institutes (Head of the Public Health and Civil Protection Chair of the degree in Safety Management and Civil Protection and Coordinator of the Post-Graduation in Geriatrics and Gerontology).
Since April 2012, he has been an Invited Assistant Professor at the European University/Laureate Universities Institutes, Lisbon (Head of Public Health and Civil Protection for the degree in Safety Management and Civil Protection).
Invited Professor at the Catholic University of Lisbon, in the Postgraduate Course in Social Medicine, since 2017, responsible for the “Cadiovascular Disability” Module.