Rui Gomes, Dr.
Dr. Rui Gomes
Professional Certificate: 36778
Languages: Portuguese
Clinical activity:
2003 - Placement at the Alenquer Health Centre, as an Occasional Public Health Assistant.
2005 - Placement at the Alenquer Health Center, as Public Health Assistant.
2017-2019: Placement at the S. Francisco Xavier Hospital (Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Oeste, EPE), as a Hospital Assistant in Gynecology/Obstetrics, in the Gynecology Service, particularly in the areas of Gynecological Ultrasound, Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy, and Consultation Support for Fertility.
Academic education:
1990 - Admission to the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a classification of 17.4 out of 20.
1990-1996 - Attendance and completion of the degree in Medicine at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University.
2010-2017 - Attendance and completion of the Specific Training Internship in Gynecology/Obstetrics, at Prof. Doctor Fernando Fonseca, EPE (HFF), with training internships at the Dr Alfredo da Costa Maternity (MAC – Gynecological Ultrasound internship, supervised by Dr. Duarte Rosa) and Beatriz Ângelo Hospital (6-month internship - Laparoscopy and Hysteroscopy, supervised by Dra Fátima Faustino, and Urogynecology, supervised by Dra Amália Martins); Gynecology/Obstetrics emergency service at HFF, MAC, Hospital Beatriz Angelo and Hospital Garcia de Orta, EPE.